SSG Nasty's Roadtrip 2024

SSG Nasty

"Fire in the Hole"
Gold Subscriber
Yes, Edgar Friendly told me that it was a real place and suggested that I eat there. We were going to meet up there but he had other commitments. Great food!

Mattsn - I prefer to drive on these trips and our goal is to stop and see things that most people don't know exist.

Tomorrow is Baton Rouge!

SSG Nasty

"Fire in the Hole"
Gold Subscriber
Anyone want to play marbles - I brought my STEELY
This is on the Mississippi River - it hums to the flow of the river - the sculpture is connected to sensors in the mighty Mississippi River and plays music that corresponds with the rise and fall of the water.
These letters spell out Baton Rouge so the barges know where they is and here is one of the barges going by