The results came in yesterday, NOT cancer! 1st real sleep I’ve had in the past year was last night!
The lymph node they removed was about 4 times the size it should have been, said it was from a viral infection probably.
Like listening to the weatherman.
The feeling so sick right now was from 2 surgeries back to back and the lasting effects of the good knock out drugs.
Prayers are needed for me.
With much hesitation and sleepless nights I reached a hard decision. I never wanted to go here nor am I proud of my actions.
I shaved my beard off.
Wife got cleared to go back to work on light duty for 3 months. The best part for her is she can remove the collar as she sees fit so she is pretty stoked.
Doc appt tomorrow after x-ray, she should be cleared for work I’d imagine. Son in law healing up though still a long road ahead.
Job interview weds with a company based out of Charlotte, never been there so I best leave a tad early.